Let me say right off that so far, my idea of the formal family meeting has failed miserably. My husband kinda thinks its silly and has a hard time keeping a straight face the whole time. I'm brainstorming on how to reinvent this meeting into mini meetings every night at dinner time. Only this time I won't tell the man of the house .. And maybe he won't read this lol!
Our schedules are working out great, the girls even woke me up for school one morning completely ready to go! I've made myself a loose schedule (mostly for cleaning) so that I am more productive during the day. I have planned out meals so that everyone knows what to expect every afternoon, and have an app on my phone that organizes my grocery list by aisle. All of these things have made my household more efficient, and I'm much more relaxed because of it.
One of my personal resolutions was to buy less prepackaged snacks for the kids lunch. I've developed a couple of great cookie recipes and have two rolls if yummy dough rolls in my fridge to make baking them more convenient. Ill be posting those recipes if you're interested. :)
I'm still gradually unpacking and organizing, but I'm limited by money. I've made it a habit to spend a few minutes looking at the free section of Craigslist, and pinteresting frugal repurposing projects. So far I've acquired an old ladder, and one wooden pallet. Updates and maybe even a tutorial soon :)

Glad you are finding your flow:) I've finally been getting back in mine now that I can lift my head off of my pillow lol!