Saturday, January 8, 2011

Pay Yourself!

While reading articles about saving money or paying down debt, I've noticed a common theme. Eliminating impulse buying.  The impulse buy is the extra bag of chips that you don't need, just because it's on sale. It's the purse you just HAD to have even though you were shopping for shoes and your closet is filled with a rainbow of bags. The solution is planning. Not that I want to turn everyone into a list making maniac (ie me) but be aware of your wants and needs ahead of time.  Planning out meals before you go to the grocery builds efficiency, which is important especially if you're dragging around children.  If you don't have one, write out a budget.  In your budget, remember to pay yourself.  In years of financial hardship our family would get so strict with ourselves that when we did finally get a little extra money we would binge, creating a bad cycle of over spending. So budget yourself money for extra beef that you can pick up and freeze when it goes on sale.  Set aside money to eat out, pamper yourself, or give to others and multiply those opportunities by using coupons and daily deal sites.  Don't put your life on hold just because you aren't using tools available to you. Don't get me wrong, life isn't about money or "things"...but it is about be able to spend quality time with those you love and helping those in need. And a more efficient budget will help relieve stress and enable you to do things you never thought were possible. Let me help by showing you just some of the tools available, and yes ANYONE can do it.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

My new Thang

So where have I been the past week? Well, my car fell apart, I started babysitting an infant, my debit card was hacked, and I got a new job! It's been busy to say the least. We're getting used to the baby, and he's getting used to us.  My new position as an LBC (local business consultant) for promises to be exciting and challenging. If you've never heard of it, Juice in the City is a deal site is run by moms for moms.  It just started here in San Diego in December but it's been in other cities across the country for almost a year.  My hope is to show the founders that there is a willing market in Louisville and surrounding areas. If you would be interested in doing what I'm doing in your area let me know. LBC's are all moms that like to save money and support local businesses..and would like to earn some money on the side ;) You don't have to have a marketing degree or be able to write a novel, you just have to have an opinion and a passion for savings! If you don't want to deal source but you like a good deal here's a link to the site   type reward11 to get a $5 dollar credit in your Juice account