Whew Tis the season my friends. I don't know about the rest of the world, but the holidays have also become a time of stress, and strife amongst my children. I've always wanted a minimalist Christmas, one with a few thoughtful gifts but with a focus on the Christmas story and time spent with family and friends. Somehow every year we get sucked a little further into consumerist Xmas, with the kids having lists of things they want, and disappointment if they don't get everything. We have had fist fights between my 2 year old and her older sisters about who gets to play with the Littlest Pet Shop kitty first. Fist fights people. Over a $3 toy. Somehow, even though I explain to my kids repeatedly that this is NOT what Christmas is about they still insist, and between all of the loving people who are in our lives, they DO indeed get everything on that list. My 5 year old flat out told me that Santa WAS real this year. How do you raise children on the road less traveled when the rest of the world has so much influence on them? These things are what I pondered on while making my list of topics for our family meetings in January. This is what I have come up with.
Week 1. Family Rules

A new home, a new school, a new opportunity to remember what family is all about. I will also explain to the girls that we will not be unpacking all of their toys. Discuss what to keep, what to give away. Introduce the meeting journal and how to use it. (this will get its own blog post :) Family craft with Family Rules.
Week 2. Clear Expectations
After a week of adjusting and unpacking, and the first couple days of school, now is the time to settle into a routine. We'll discuss how we should set up our daily schedules and chores. Organize! Start to discuss how adding animals to the family may change things. Practice! (
organizing ideas)
Week 3. Calm Down
I expect the newness of everything will be wearing off by now and we may need a reminder of calming techniques. We will take this time to introduce the positive time out, and other strategies for cooling off. Design and name our cooling off destination.
Week 4. Recap
Discuss how the month has gone so far. Make needed adjustments. Celebrate successes.